Friday, May 26, 2006

I Sing The Body Electric

Finding something like Bradford Bahamas reminds me of why I listen to the music. Fear not, I'm not tired and emotional at the end of yet another shit-box of a week, please, hear me out.

It's not for the wry, dry, sly lyrics, it's not for the sweetest, most intricate of melodies, it's not for the next level of six-fingered-guitar-wankery. It's for the mentalism and the astonishment that something new can bring.

As a bit of background, I've been listening to a fair bit of Yellow Swans lately, and spending some quality time in the company of those fine Glue Rooms types. So hearing Bradford Bahamas came as a progression of that.

What really flicked the mental switch though, was finding out how Nitin Meghji Lachhani creates his sonic battery. It's all on his website (diagrams, videos and all), but in short, it involves standing in an arc of old monitors, donning a mask inlaid with gold, and letting the body become the instrument. Get the fuck in, you crazy crazy swine.

To come up with such controlled soundscapes like More Monitor Audio, through such a random method has pretty much made my brain melt, and sent me searching for random bits of electrical wares with which to make noises. And that's what it's all about.

Bradford Bahamas and your golden mask, we salute you. Hear more mental at his Myspace, and make it your purpose in life to track a live performance down. Splendid.

Bradford Bahamas - More Monitor Audio

Bradford Bahamas - Live


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