Friday, August 04, 2006

It Only Takes A Minute. And A Half.

Things you can do in 90 seconds:

If you're in Bearsuit, and during a practice most of your band go out for a tea break, someone else wanders in, you form a band called Cruiser Chimps, and you come up with this healthy slice of crash-bang-shouty mentweelism - then, you put the drum sticks down, and carry on about your business.

Cruiser Chimps – Aha, Now I Understand

If you're three ladies getting ready to go to the best party ever, by playing Gauntlet and listening to the Rolling Stones, you put down your NES controller, turn the gramophone down, form a band called The Duloks, and you come up with this paean to the best four player arcade game ever.

The Duloks – Red Wizard Needs Food... Badly

If you're Ivor Cutler, you get a couple of friends round, and come up with whatever the fuck you like, because you're Ivor Cutler, and you're a genius.

Ivor Cutler Trio – Good Morning! How Are You? Shut Up!

If you're me, you try and think of a way to end this post, and fail.


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