Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Only Time Can Tell And Take Away This Lonely Hell

They say that the loudest sound ever heard by man was the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. They say it was so loud, it was heard 4,800 kilometres away.

They are wrong.

Because the loudest sound ever heard by man are the final screams of Barry Ryan on his 1968 recording of Eloise.

They come right at the end, and are mostly hidden in the fade out.

They are the screams of a man laying bare his soul, and pleading for forgiveness with the last breath he can muster.

They make a suicidal volcano sound like a rose opening to meet the sun.

And they can be heard in the darkest depths of heaven.

When I am King, all songs will be like this. Until then, let this be a reminder to you all.

Barry Ryan - Eloise


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