Friday, November 10, 2006

The Danse Macabre

My friends, it is a day to rejoice, and to cower.

The answer to the eternal question ‘what should I do when my hardrive loses the will to live, halfway through the computerisation of my new long player’ is finally at hand. Finally. And it is not a wholesome tale.

The answer has been unearthed by Dr. Henry Shitmat, who found himself in the unwelcome position of hardrive loss not too long ago.

It’s not been confirmed, but I can confidently state, that after a suitable period of wailing, hair pulling and teeth gnashing, lo, the shaft of light did shoot forth from the troubled clouds, and into said Shitmat’s brain-hole.

The answer, my inquisitive friends, is:

‘Give it to the mysterious Spirit Of Gravity collective, to do their very worst.’

Again, it’s not been confirmed, but I can state without doubt that through some kind of hoodoo-voodoo action, these strangest of Spirits did raise the hardrive from the dead. But as is quite often the case in instances of juju and ting, what was brought back into existence was not exactly that which existed before.

To show the world the fruits of their dark arts, The Hardrive Cessation Termination has been documented, almost as a warning to any unsuspecting souls – dabble if you dare, but the outcome will be a collection of frantic drum and noise, sample and reflection.

‘Yes’ they say, probably in a scary voice, ‘the dead can be raised, but beware! For it is not for the faint of heart or ear, uh-huh, hmm’.

Behold then, the answer to the question, and the wonder of the undead that dance. Or something. And if you can stomach it, request the full horror from here.

Terror Wogan - Complaints (Mouse Glue Mix)

Faoi - Blank Tape (Who Da Fuk)

And to close, a brief reading from the grieving widow:

Shitmat – Stop The Ragga


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