Friday, July 06, 2007

The Chas & The Dave & The Mysterious Pop-Art Link

It's nice to see that one good thing came out of Tiny Dancer's unhappy experience of Glastonbury - if there's one thing that will see you through mud, rain, misery it's a good old-fashioned rockney knees-up with Chas & Dave.

But is it just me - and surely it must just be me - or does Chas & Dave's Turn That Noise Down sound a bit like XTC's Love at First Sight? Just a bit? Interestingly, both tracks were released in 1981. Hmm.

Of course, this gives me an excuse to put up another XTC tune. I could have chosen any from loads of brilliant songs - and if you haven't heard Making Plans For Nigel then for goodness' sake get on with it - but I've gone for Great Fire just because I can't resist a nice key change at the end of a song.

XTC – Love At First Sight

XTC – Great Fire

Crisp Debris

Oh, and if you're knocking about the darkest depths of South East London tomorrow, with little else to do except avoid the nutters, and wonder at the beauty of it all, you could do a lot worse than get right on a bit of this:


Blogger Imposs1904 said...

Have you heard about Andy Partridge discussing a classic XTC song week in, week out? It's good stuff.

More stuff here:
XTC's Great Fire
The Swindonian Institute

all the best,

20/10/07 3:21 am  

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