Friday, August 10, 2007

Beware The Transatlantic Feedback

Everyone loves The Monks. This is a fact. I’m a Monk, you’re a Monk, we’re all Monks. They said so themselves, so it must be true. Right? Hmm.

As Debris and Stardust will tell you, I’m a cautious man. I’m not prone to the flippancy of a whim, the impulse of a moment, or the faith of the assumption. And in that, it would appear I’m not alone.

Some of us need to be sure. Some of us need to make a documentary, which tells the story of then and today. And more of us need to bring together an album from the four corners of our earth, to make sure the documentary gets to where it needs to go.

So, do not ridicule the caution.

Without it we wouldn’t have, amongst others, The Fall sounding like they might actually be enjoying themselves at last with a pop at Higgle-Dy Piggle-Dy, or Alec Empire asking Brother Burger to sermonise again on a modern day Monk Time.

And we wouldn’t have, amongst others, Mense Reents coaxing a hypnotised confession out of Blast Off!, or Faust in pact with said Brother Burger to sound a bit like Primal Scream round about XTRMNTR time.

So, do not ridicule the caution. Instead, buy the album, watch the film wherever you can, and make sure we’re all Monks after all, just like the good Brother said.

Mense Reents – Minimal Monk

Faust / Gary Burger – Beware (The Transatlantic Feedback)

Tiny Dancer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this project has been so inspiring. Gary Burger and the other monks are amazing people.

check out our blog also....

click here

this documentary is also interesting because it shows Germany before 68...the boredom, all grey, conservative....there is no other film which covers that dark depressed period...right after World War II

18/10/08 4:22 am  

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