Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's Not Over Yet

Although the "indecently popular" Tiny Dancing Christmas Podcast covered most of our end of year thoughts on what we liked in 2007, due to general inane rambling and offensive content, the suggestions for best gigs of the year were unfortunately consigned to the 'cutting room floor', where they will forever reside, and rightly so.

If memory serves, most enjoyed Arcade Fire whenever they saw them, Stardust particularly liked Black Kids when they were in London at the start of December, and Debris needed to get out more.

My vote went to Boredoms, at Shoreditch Town Hall in October. I think I might have tried to put something together immediately in the aftermath, but my tiny brain wasn’t, and indeed isn’t up to doing them justice in writing – the best I came up with was something along the lines of "ninety minutes of drumming triplication… whilst Eye plays a wall of guitars with a broom handle… and the crowd go all round and tribal". Very poor.

So, here instead is a visual account of it by someone more talented than I, and the first three songs from Vision Creation Newsun, which goes some way to hinting at what Boredoms live is all about, but in truth, only scratches the surface.

Boredoms – (Circle)

Boredoms – (Star)

Boredoms – (Heart)

Buy as many albums as you can, lots of them are here, but if the opportunity to see them live presents itself, you must go. Must.

Tiny Dancer

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